Your Journey to Meaning, Joy, and Fulfillment Starts Here
If you’re feeling as though your life and work have lost their luster, you may find it difficult to understand why or what changes will turn things around. I'm here to empower you to understand and overcome what's keeping you from experiencing the full-spectrum life you deserve.
The collaborative goal of my practice is to help men make positive, lasting changes in their lives. I help you identify the repetitive patterns that keep you stuck and limit your potential. With awareness of these patterns, you can begin to make conscious choices that lead to healthier, more optimal outcomes.
Over the last decade, I have sought mentors, supervisors, educational programs, and clinical consultants specializing in therapy and counseling at the highest levels. I have immersed myself in their tutelage and instruction to build expertise and ensure my competence. My commitment to excellence in the therapeutic field is fierce. In this pursuit, I have found myself on a journey of self-discovery that has instilled in me profound empathy and a heightened understanding of the human psyche.